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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 8655 Sections

Instructions and Help about Will Form 8655 Sections

Okay, this is the popular WF Co 895 converter and power center. It works okay, but it has a main problem - it never goes into bulk charging mode. This means it takes a very long time to recharge the RV's batteries if they go dead while camping. There are some inside model 8955 Succot breakers and DC fuses. To fix this issue, I am going to replace the charging unit with an upgrade from a company called Progressive Dynamics. It's a new charging circuit specifically designed for my brand of converter. I will be removing the metal enclosure that is designed for other brands and just taking out the unit inside. Last night, I ran both exhaust fans and all the lights for many hours to drain a significant amount of power from the batteries. The WF Co converter is supposed to engage in bulk mode when it senses a significant decrease in battery power or voltage, but it never does. I'm hoping that when I upgrade to the new Progressive Dynamics converter, it will actually do the job as advertised. Currently, I'm at 12.6 volts. Now, I'm going to plug it in with the stock WF Co 8955 converter. It's charging at approximately 13.22 amps, which is nowhere near the 55 amps it should be charging. It's rapidly decreasing, but the battery is not charging quickly. I'll give it another half hour, and it'll be lucky if it's down to 7 or 8 amps. When you're trying to charge at a campsite with a generator, it would take forever to charge with 240 amp hours of batteries. I've now removed the cover of the power center/converter. I have unplugged the trailer from 120 volts AC power, which is a very important step for safety. Inside, there is the...