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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 8655 Enrollment

Instructions and Help about Will Form 8655 Enrollment

Today, I'll show you how to create a user registration form on your WordPress website. There are many benefits to creating a user registration form, but it all boils down to branding your site. Here are some main benefits for adding a user registration form to your site: 1. Organization: When you allow people to register for your site, you can control how you receive their information. 2. Customization: You can control the exact fields that you want people to fill out when they register. 3. Security: Requiring users to fill out and submit a form, as well as activating their account through an email link, will keep your WordPress site more secure and reduce registration spam. 4. Permissions: You can specify the level of access that users will have when they complete the form. Now that we know the benefits, let's move on to adding the user registration form on your WordPress website. We will be using WP Forms for this, so make sure you have the pro level or above. 1. Head over to your WordPress dashboard and go to the WP Forms area. 2. Scroll down to find the user registration add-on and click install. 3. Once installed, activate the add-on. 4. On the left side, click "Add New" to start creating the form. 5. Scroll down and select the "User Registration" template. 6. Review the pre-set fields in the template and make any desired changes. 7. Click "Save" to save the form. Next, go to the settings area of user registration to configure it further: 1. Under user registration, WP Forms will automatically map default fields like name, email, and password. 2. Decide on the user role, which defaults to subscribers. 3. Determine who will receive an email notification when a user signs up. 4. Choose the activation method, either manual approval or user activation through an email link. 5. Decide if you want...