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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Why Form 8655 Societies

Instructions and Help about Why Form 8655 Societies

Thank you. Well, this is one of the warmer crowds I've been in front of in a long time. Actually, that's gonna cause me to relax, and then I'm going to be even more provocative than I usually am. So, but Jodie stole my cylinder there a little bit. I usually start by pointing your attention to the fact that I'm white and acts asking you to actually look at me and think about it for just a minute. Part of what it means to be white is that goes against all my conditioning and all my socialization because I was taught that I really didn't have a race. I was just the universal human race is what they had. And certainly, I was taught not to be drawing people's attention to it. So, how did I come to be standing in front of groups of people saying look at me, I'm white, and that has meaning? Well, for me, it started when I got a job as a diversity trainer in the early 90s. And I was going to go into the workplace in interracial teams and lead discussions on race and racism. And when I applied for that job, I sincerely thought that my qualifications were that I shopped at PCC, I'm a vegetarian, I went to Evergreen, and I Drive a Prius. Okay, so we didn't actually have Priuses in the 90s, but I hope you get my point. I really thought that what this was about was open-mindedness and that since I was clearly open-minded, I was good to go and I was qualified. And it was just about getting other people to be open-minded. And I was in for the most profound learning of my entire life on every level. One is to realize in no way was...