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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Why Form 8655 Royalty

Instructions and Help about Why Form 8655 Royalty

Music in ancient Egypt has a rich history that lasted for over 6,000 years. The lives and deaths of its leading characters still fascinate us today. We visit museums like this one to truly understand the grandeur of ancient Egypt and the monumental statues that honor the great men of that time. However, when we look at the faces depicted in these statues, we see only men. So, where are the women of ancient Egypt? Of course, the most famous woman is Cleopatra, but what about the other great women who came before her? I want to learn more about these women and their contributions. If we know where to look, the story of ancient Egypt reveals the extraordinary women who left behind an incredible legacy. In ancient Egypt, women had more rights than anywhere else in the ancient world. In this video, I will be discussing four of my favorite women of power who paved the way for the rest. The venerated mother, a powerful visionary, a pharaoh, a perfect diplomat, and Cleopatra's globally minded role model. Together, they created a legacy of female authority that influenced not only Cleopatra but generations to come. By telling their stories, we gain a fresh perspective on this great civilization through the eyes of the other half of ancient Egypt. To truly understand the women of ancient Egypt, we must go back to the beginning, to their own story of creation. According to their creation myths, all life started from the waters of the River Nile. The deities, both male and female, emerged from these life-giving waters. The most famous of these deities was Isis, the active and dominant partner, unlike most ancient cultures where the male was dominant. Isis was venerated as a divine mother figure and the first real woman....