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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Why Form 8655 Determinations

Instructions and Help about Why Form 8655 Determinations

Music every year thousands of people arrive in Canada seeking refugee protection individuals seeking refugee protection are generally escaping very difficult circumstances and come to this country in search of a better safer future Canada's refugee determination system is recognized worldwide for the fairness of its proceedings and the quality of its decision making Music to be considered a refugee in Canada it must be determined that you have a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race religion nationality membership in a particular social group or political opinion and are unable or because of this fear unwilling to seek protection from your country of origin or you can be recognized as a person in need of protection if it is determined that you would face a risk to your life a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment or a danger of torture if you were to return to your country of origin if it is determined that you do not have a well-founded fear of persecution or are not a person in need of protection you will not be granted refugee protection three federal organizations play a different yet important part in responding to refugee claims made in Canada immigration refugees in Citizenship Canada the Canada Border Services Agency and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada the immigration refugee Protection Act defines the role and responsibilities of each organization the Immigration and Refugee Board is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal this video briefly explains how the Immigration and Refugee Board makes decisions about refugee matters three different chapters will explain the refugee determination process a first will explain how your refugee claim is referred to the refugee protection division of the immigration in refugee board for decision the second and third chapters will discuss the preparation...