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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 8655 Applying

Instructions and Help about Who Form 8655 Applying

Music, the next JSP web application we're going to create, is a little more complex than the date web application. It's actually gonna have two JSP pages. One is going to contain a form that we're going to input data into. Now, we're gonna submit that form to another JSP page. It's going to get the data and it's going to display it in tabular fashion. Okay, so two JSP pages, they're gonna be interacting with one another, they're gonna be sharing data. Okay, within that beans, let's go up to the file drop-down option, select new project, make sure Java web is selected underneath of categories, and web application underneath of projects. Push next, give the web application a name. We're gonna call it forms web application. Push next, push next again, and then finish. Okay, and there's our web application project forms web application, and there is the index.html file which we're going to delete in just a few moments because we're not creating HTML pages, we're creating JSP pages. So that's what we're gonna do next. We're gonna select the project, do right-click, and we're gonna add a new JSP. Now, if you've already added JSP pages to a web application project, then when you do the right click, you should see the JSP listed within the pop-up. After new, if you don't see it, select other, and then underneath the category, select web, and underneath the file type, select JSP. But if you've already gone through that process of adding a JSP to at least one web application project, then when you select another web application project, do a right click, select new, you should see it listed there for you. Okay, so you can select it from within the pop-up. You want to name it....