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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Which Form 8655 Switching

Instructions and Help about Which Form 8655 Switching

How are you doing? I am Callen and this is Slapped Him. From human reptilian hybrids to alien bodyguards caught shape-shifting into their true form, we take a look at some mysterious shapeshifters caught changing on camera. But just quickly before we get into it, remember to hit that subscribe button for more awesome mysterious content just like this. In 2012, a video was posted online that appears to show a reporter's face melting on live TV. The reporter was covering a story about a drunk off-duty police officer who began beating staff of a restaurant after they refused to serve him more alcohol. Everything seems normal right up until the end of the video, when the reporter begins to fumble his words as something strange starts happening to his face. Many people believe that this footage proves that there are indeed shapeshifters living among us, mysterious beings possibly even aliens that have the ability to disguise themselves as humans. One theory suggests that these shapeshifters are actually descendants of reptilian beings from the Alpha Draconis star system. The theory, mainly credited to former BBC television sports broadcaster and conspiracy theorist David Icke, suggests that these creatures are a result of human reptilian breeding programs that have been taking place on Earth for at least 200,000 years. Many believe Icke's theories to be true, as he has supporters in nearly 50 countries and often lectures to large crowds. In fact, a 2013 poll of Americans conducted by Public Policy Polling indicated that 4% of all registered voters actually believed in David Icke's ideas. He also claims that these human reptilian hybrids often obtain positions of power in human society and then use their power to secretly manipulate global events. They supposedly do this to keep humans in a state of constant fear, and...