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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Where Form 8655 Authorize

Instructions and Help about Where Form 8655 Authorize

This is part seventy of ASP.NET MVC tutorial. In this video, we'll discuss how to use authorize and allow anonymous action filters in ASP.NET MVC. By default, all the controller action methods are accessible to both anonymous and authenticated users. If you want your action methods to be available only for authenticated and authorized users, then you can use the authorize attribute. Let's understand this with an example. Let's flip to Visual Studio. Here, I have a blank ASP.NET MVC application. Let's go ahead and add a controller. Let's call it HomeController. And let's add two action methods to this controller. Let's call the first one as SecureMethod. Let's also add another action method and call it NonSecureMethod. We also need to add respective views for these action methods. Now, we have two action methods within the HomeController and their respective views. Let's deploy this MVC demo project to Local IIS. Right-click on the project name within Solution Explorer, select Properties. In the Properties window, click on the Web tab, scroll down, and select the "Use Local IIS Web Server" radio button. Before clicking on the "Create Virtual Directory" button, let's open IIS. To do that, click on the Start button, type "run," and hit Enter. This should open the Run window. Within the Run window, type "inetmgr" and click OK. This will open IIS. Expand the root server node in IIS and then Sites. Look for the Default Website. At the moment, we don't have a virtual directory with the name "MVCdemo." Click on the button to create the virtual directory. The virtual directory is successfully created. Click OK. Now, let's come back to IIS and refresh the Default Website. Select MVCdemo and then click on the authentication icon. By default, anonymous authentication is enabled, which means anonymous users will be able...