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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What Form 8655 Wont

Instructions and Help about What Form 8655 Wont

P>So how do we learn, and why does some of us learn things more easily than others? As I just mentioned, I'm Dr. Laura Boyd, a brain researcher here at the University of British Columbia. These are the questions that fascinate me. Brain research is one of the great frontiers in the understanding of human physiology and also in the consideration of what makes us who we are. It's an amazing time to be a brain researcher, and I would argue that I have the most interesting job in the world. What we know about the brain is changing at a breathtaking pace, and much of what we thought we knew and understood about the brain turns out to be not true or incomplete. Now, some of these misconceptions are more obvious than others. For example, we used to think that after childhood, the brain did not really change, and it turns out that nothing could be farther from the truth. Another misconception about the brain is that you only use parts of it at any given time and it's silent when you do nothing. Well, this is also untrue. It turns out that even when you're at rest and thinking of nothing, your brain is highly active. Advances in technology, such as MRI, have allowed us to make these and many other important discoveries. Perhaps the most exciting, interesting, and transformative of these discoveries is that every time you learn a new factor or skill, you change your brain. It's something we call neuroplasticity. So, as little as 25 years ago, we thought that after about puberty, the only changes that took place in the brain were negative, like the loss of brain cells with aging or the results of damage like a stroke. But then studies began to...