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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What Form 8655 Disclosure

Instructions and Help about What Form 8655 Disclosure

Hi, I'm Alexander, founder and attorney with an entrepreneurship law firm. In this video, we will be discussing the provisions of a free NDA form and how to understand them step by step. So, please take out the NDA form and follow along. Section one of the form is the definitional section. Here, we define confidential information. It is important to note that confidential information is either secret, meaning not widely known, or you are actively taking measures to keep it secret. This includes keeping it locked or password protected on computers, and ensuring that employees, contractors, and anyone with access to it sign a written confidentiality agreement. Additionally, there are different forms of confidential information depending on the nature of your business, so make sure to note any specific information that should be regarded as confidential. The next definition is that of company property. Usually, confidential information is embodied in something tangible, like a proposal or manual. It is important to ensure that if this tangible property is given to the other party, it is returned to you. This section also emphasizes the return of any notes created by the other party that incorporate your confidential information. It is crucial to consider the return of company property if you decide not to proceed with the business relationship. The confidentiality agreement's main focus is the secrecy obligation. It states that the other party has limited rights when it comes to disclosing or using the confidential information. They can only disclose it under legal authority, and can only use it for purposes related to evaluating the business relationship. It is important to note that if you move forward with a contract, the obligations from this form should either continue or be incorporated into that future contract. The following section is the non-circumvention agreement. This provision...