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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 8655 Revenue

Instructions and Help about How Form 8655 Revenue

So in this video here, I'm going to be talking about my five different sources of income and how I was able to build up five sources of income by the age of 23 years old. Mostly because I don't think this is very common. I think most people in their 20s, even into their 30s, have one source of income and that is the income from their job. Then maybe in their 40s or their 50s, hopefully sooner, but the unfortunate reality is that most people wait until that age to begin exploring different sources of income. That is primarily when people begin to explore earning income through investments. But I really didn't follow the traditional model. I did up until a certain point and then I said, you know what, I don't like this old model for a number of different reasons, and I started following my own model with making money and building my business. So I want to share with you guys exactly what my sources of income are when I began making them and basically the timeline here of starting off as being somebody with one source of income and moving up to having five different sources of income, okay? So first of all, we're gonna start back in April of 2015. That is around when I graduated college. I just turned 20 years old and I got my first source of income. That was my first full-time job. And I had just that one source of income for a while. Now, I did save a lot of the money. I was always a relatively frugal person, so I saved a lot of money. But I was relying on that one source of income, which was the income from my job at the time. Now, that...