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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 8655 Disclosure

Instructions and Help about How Form 8655 Disclosure

Okay, I would like to welcome all of you to this special presentation on the deep national security state and UFOs. This is going to be a presentation four hours in length. We will take a break at about the halfway point, maybe about an hour and 45 minutes in. I'd like to thank all of you for coming. I know you've come from all over the country, people from Chicago, New York, and all over. I want to express my appreciation for your support and effort in coming all that way to be here. I'd also like to welcome all the folks online. There are several thousand people online who will be seeing this by webinar. I'd like to extend a welcome to them and a big shout out to them for coming. Thank you! You're here in virtual reality, huh? Yeah, why not? So, I'm Dr. Steven Greer, and I'm the founder of the Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Orion Project. Those are all now amalgamated under seriousdisclosure.com if you want to see what all the projects are doing at any time. We're going to be doing this presentation which is part of a series, and I really want to thank the people who have supported me all these years and have gotten me this far. There are some folks who are volunteers out front who have been on many expeditions with me, out under the stars, and people all over the world, my mentors in the national security state, who without them, I would have never had a Sherpa to figure out how this whole system works. You're going to learn things today that the President of the United States doesn't know. I can assure you that. I will give you my...