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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 8655 Consultants

Instructions and Help about How Form 8655 Consultants

How to start a consulting business? I have a great question from one of my YouTube viewers, Raman, who is finishing up university and wants to start his own consulting business. He reached out to me for advice, and I'm happy to help. Raman mentioned that he doesn't have the credibility or customer references to get his first customer, even though he believes he has the knowledge to provide great advice to small businesses. He needs the opportunity and trust from a small business to get started. Raman is thankful for my inspiring videos, which he finds more helpful than his university business classes. Here's my advice: First, I recommend that Raman gets a job related to consulting. This will help him determine if he truly wants to pursue a career as a consultant. It will also provide him with credibility and experience. I suggest he works at a smaller consulting company with around ten employees, someone he respects and wants to learn from. Getting involved in as many projects as possible will not only teach him how to be a consultant, but also how to build a successful consulting practice. I have a guide called "Work to Learn" that can further assist him with this step-by-step process. Secondly, Raman should start his consulting business part-time. While working at the consulting gig, he can gradually build up experience, credibility, and contacts. He might even consider taking on a few small business clients for free to gain some initial experience. It's important for him to understand the market and learn how to find and work with clients before committing to his business full-time. Selling to small businesses can be challenging due to financial constraints, so Raman may want to target a more established market if he wants to charge what he's worth. Lastly, I...