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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 8655 Calculator

Instructions and Help about How Form 8655 Calculator

Hello guys! In this video, I am going to show you how to create a simple calculator using your C# Windows Form application. I will show you how to make a calculator that can basic operations like division, multiplication, subtraction, and addition. Additionally, we will have two buttons called "clear entry" and "clear" that will allow us to clear the calculator. I will also show you how to add decimal numbers. For example, if you want to add 3.3 plus 12.5, you can do that using this calculator. The result will be shown in a label. I want to make this calculator similar to the Windows calculator, although the Windows calculator is much more advanced. Let's get started on how we can create this calculator. I will open a blank project and create a new Windows Form application project named "calculator". The first thing I want to do is open the form at the center of the screen, just like the Windows calculator. I will also disable maximizing and resizing the calculator. Next, I will add an icon to the calculator. I will select the form, change the text property to "calculator", and add an icon to the form. To add buttons to the calculator, I will go to the tool and drag and drop a button onto the form. I will change the button name and size, and also change the font size to make it look good. All the buttons will have the same size, but you can change their text and name according to your preference. That's it for now. In the next part, I will continue with the remaining steps to complete the calculator. Stay tuned.