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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 8655 Accounting

Instructions and Help about How Form 8655 Accounting

P>Knowledge is power. Make an impact by learning more. Right now, for more health, call 866-945-807. Hey, Seth DB here from the world famous Nerd Enterprises Incorporated. I want to talk to you about how to start, restart, grow, and scale your accounting or bookkeeping practice. How to grow and scale your firm of today. The future is here, time to face that. Before I get into this, I want to preface it the same way I did in the actual write-up. The write-up will have more information that I will cover in the video. Otherwise, I will be holding you hostage here for an hour, which I don't plan to do. Heck, my camera can only record for 20 minutes. It's a good way to force me to keep it concise. This is an outline. It's a detailed outline. My hope is not that you'll read it through once and say, "Oh yeah, that was cool" and maybe even share it, although I'd love for you to do that. My hope is that you'll bookmark it and come back to it and treat it as a resource. When I read books these days, I don't even like to use the word read anymore. I study them, which means I go through a book or I go through a piece of a book and I take notes on it. Then I look at what I've just taken notes on and ask myself, "How am I going to implement this in my practice?" In fact, that goes to the very core of literally how 97 and Up as a program was born. It was born based on me reading a book called "The One Minute Millionaire" and running into a section where they're talking about how millionaires have very structured lives...