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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 8655 Topic

Instructions and Help about Form 8655 Topic

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to select a research topic and formulate a research question. - Sometimes it's difficult to select a topic for an assignment or paper. If you don't have a topic in mind, you may need to think of a general topic and then narrow it down. - It's important to select a topic that interests you. - Two resources you can use to select a general topic and find background information on your topic are CQ Researcher and Credo Reference. Both of these are available from the library website at library.usu.edu. - To find general topics, it works best if you have a general topic in mind and want to narrow it down. - Once you have a general topic, you'll probably need to narrow it down. If your topic is too general, you'll be overwhelmed by information. - For example, let's say I want to write a paper on gun control. Gun control is a general topic with many aspects. The topic needs to be narrowed down. - One way to narrow your topic is to use the who, what, where, when, why method. Start asking yourself questions about the topic and brainstorm answers. - Who does gun control affect? Adults, children, gun owners, potential gun owners, owners of gun sales and shops. - What are the implications of gun control? Impact on Second Amendment rights, may or may not have an effect on school shootings, may or may not reduce crime, may or may not reduce suicide. - Where is gun control an issue? Select a specific place or setting such as Alaska, Chicago, the United States, or the United Kingdom. - When in time do I want to write about gun control? A hundred years ago, 20 years ago, now, or a historical comparison. - Why is this important? Gun control is a...