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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 8655 Entity

Instructions and Help about Form 8655 Entity

Okay, so hello and welcome to this webinar on how to build forms in Drupal 8. Now, just a bit about myself, my name is Ivan Zhu Jack and I've been using Drupal for over 10 years, a full decade. In the last 10 years, I've worked on all sorts of large-scale Drupal sites, but in the past five years, I've focused a lot on training and teaching it. You may be familiar with my website, Bosh Done, where I write about Drupal and also produce videos and webinars like this. But what are we here for today? We are here to learn how to build forms in Drupal 8. So, this is the agenda for this webinar. We'll first look at how to create forms using Contact. If you've used Drupal in the past, you'll be fully aware of the Contact module. It has been around for years, absolutely years. But in Drupal 7 and below, the Contact module was great if you were happy with exactly the fields that it offered. But what if you want to add extra fields? We'll talk about that in that section. Next, we'll look at the Webform module. Again, Webform has been around for years. I think when I was preparing for this webinar, I had a look at when the actual project node was created. So, if you go to drupal.org/project/webinar, you can see the date when that particular page was created. Webform's project node was created in 2004. It's crazy it's been that long. But Webform has always been my go-to module for form building, especially for end users. Okay, so in sections 3 to 5, we'll look at Webform - what's new in Drupal 8 and then I'll show you how to actually create a form, a single form...