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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 8655 Authorize

Instructions and Help about Form 8655 Authorize

P>Welcome to Palladium Technologies. I am Venket. This is Part 88 of the ASP.NET video series. In Part 87, we discussed the basics of Windows authentication. If you haven't watched Part 87, I strongly encourage you to do so before continuing with this session. In this part of the video series, we will continue discussing Windows authentication. First, let's quickly recap what we discussed in Part 87. I have an ASP.NET web application project. On this web form, I have a GridView control and a Button control. In the Page_Load event of this web form, the following lines of code specific tasks: - Prints the name of the account used to execute the application code. - Prints a message indicating whether the user is authenticated or not. - Prints the authentication type used if the user is authenticated. - Prints the name of the authenticated user. When the user clicks the button, we create an instance of the DataSet object. The DataSet object then reads XML data from the "C:\data" folder. After that, we set the DataSet as the data source for the GridView control and invoke the DataBind method. This application is deployed within IIS. We have a web application named "WebApplication1" with both anonymous authentication and Windows authentication enabled at the IIS level. However, within the web.config file of the application, access to anonymous users is denied using a question mark within the authorization list. When a question mark is used within the authorization list, it has a special meaning and indicates anonymous users. Therefore, we are specifically denying access to anonymous and unauthenticated users. Additionally, there is another symbol, an asterisk (*), which indicates all users when used in the authorization element of the web.config file. In this session, we will explore how to allow or deny access to specific users. Now, if I run this application...