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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 8655 Attendance

Instructions and Help about Form 8655 Attendance

Hello friends, welcome to HR training on payroll management. Today we will learn how to create attendance in Microsoft Excel, so let's have a dummy attendance sheet to know how to process attendance in Excel. The first column will be the serial number, followed by the employee name. We will have an attendance sheet for five employees, so drag the cells till five. Now let's put some employee names, for example, Ramesh, Suresh, Josh, Omita, and Mirada. Now, let's process the attendance for the month of March 1, 2015. Here, I want the day to be displayed along with the date, so I will right-click on the cell, click on "Format," and go to "Custom." I will add another "D" to the format to display the day. Now, drag the format till the end of the month, which is March 31. Next, we need to give borders to the cells to make it more presentable. Select all the cells, right-click, click on "Format Cells," go to the "Border" tab, and choose a bold border style. Now, let's put some dummy data for the attendance. We will use "P" for present and "A" for absent. Let's fill in the dummy data for the entire month to understand the attendance cycle. After filling in the data, we need to calculate the total present and total absent for each employee. To do this, we will use the "COUNTIF" formula. Select the range for each employee's attendance and use the criteria "P" for present and "A" for absent. Drag the formula till the end of the month. To make it easier to distinguish between present and absent, we can use conditional formatting. Select the cells for present, click on "Conditional Formatting," choose "Highlight Cell Rules," and select "Equal to P." Choose a desired color, such as blue. Repeat...