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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 8655 Update

Instructions and Help about Are Form 8655 Update

Hey guys, welcome back to the channel! In today's video, I want to talk to you guys about the potential opportunity of joining our group here on the YouTube channel. This is TK and this is ex-CATV. Approximately 8 years ago, Adam Adler put out a video similar to this, calling for recruitment. I took that chance and applied for XD a TV, and luckily, they took a chance on me. Now, I would love to do the same and give one or two of you the chance to join our XD a crew here on the YouTube channel. So, what are we looking for? Passionate fans, like you guys, who not only watch the videos but also have the ability to produce your own content. This means having either a smartphone or camera, a suitable environment, and good audio quality, so you can create content on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. If this sounds like something you could do, please check out the link in the description below. You'll find more information for submitting your application. We would love to see a sample of your work. If you haven't done anything before, you can create a 30-second to one-minute quick review of anything you feel comfortable with. Submit that for us to check out. In short, I would love to have one of you guys join the YouTube side, just like the opportunity that was given to me eight years ago. Let me know in the comments below what you guys think. We'll be accepting applications until mid-December, around the 15th. So, you have approximately 15 days to apply. We're hoping to grow the crew here on XDA TV, and it would be great to have one or two of you guys on board. Thank you so much for all the support. If you...