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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 8655 Historical

Instructions and Help about Are Form 8655 Historical

Hey guys, welcome back to Expose Tuesday. Today we're going to talk about a module that gives us a better understanding of battery usage on our system. Let's check out the module we're talking about today. It is a module that allows us to get a better understanding of how battery usage is. Now, I currently have the actual module installed. We'll go into the Xposed installer and look for the module that says Battery History XXL. The name pretty much indicates that it's going to be a much longer and bigger history. There's really no user interface, you just turn it on and restart the device. It's pretty simple in that sense. When we actually want to use this, we'll go into our notification panel, open up our settings, and go into our battery. This shows us certain normal users. Now, again, our system hasn't been up for that long, so this is obviously not very informative at this point. But the main thing you want to see here obviously is when I scroll down and see all these services that are usually listed about 1%, they are generally cut off. You usually only get about 10 actual items on your battery history. And as time goes on, at the end of the day when you really want to understand what's been using your system, most of the ones that are on the bottom you don't really get to see because they're running in the background. But now, at least you have the ability to look at them and understand what is going on, what is using it. Here, as it's listing, it's running in the background Tasker, Nova Launcher, email, and of course, Fire TV. This application I didn't even run for a week yet it's still running in...