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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 8655 Enrollment

Instructions and Help about Are Form 8655 Enrollment

Okay, now we're going to learn how to set up your registration for your event using Forms and a spreadsheet. Here's a sample of a completed registration form. It's simple, straightforward, and easy to use for your guests to fill out the questions. Each question marked with a red asterisk is a required field. When they're finished, they hit the submit button. So, how do we create one of these forms? Well, we start by going to "create" and selecting "form". We're not going to choose a theme right now. First, we need to give the form a title. Let's call it "Corporate Luncheon". Next, we can add all the necessary fields for this registration form. The most important thing is to know what data you want to collect and remember that this data will integrate with your spreadsheet. Each field you add to the form will become a column in your spreadsheet. The most common information to collect is the name. If you want to sort by last name, make sure to collect both the first name and last name as separate fields. For the first name, we just need a text input. Now, let's add the last name. Again, we need a text input for this field. Moving on, let's ask for the department they're in. We want them to select from a dropdown menu, so we'll use a choice question with multiple options. Another field we can add is for their meal preference. This can be a check question with options like chicken, beef, or vegetarian. Remember to mark any required questions as such. Some fields like email and last name are usually required, so make sure to collect that information. Guests will not be able to submit the form unless all required questions are answered. Before we move on to the spreadsheet, let's...