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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 8655 Authorize

Instructions and Help about Are Form 8655 Authorize

Hey everyone, it's Brian again. I've got some more free templates for you! This time, it's free credit card authorization form templates. The download links are below. But before you click away to download the templates, there's something I want to go over with you about these templates to show you exactly how I recommend using them because it's different from what you're probably used to. Stay tuned, and I'll show you what it is. Okay, so to get the ball rolling here, let me start off with a couple of important points about these templates. Number one, I'm going to give these to you for free, as I said, and I actually have a couple of versions for each of these, which I'll cover in the video and give you the reason why I'm giving you more than one version. So, here's the templates side by side. We have version 1 in the blue over here, and then version 2 in the green. They both pretty much say the same thing, and all the text that's in red, you're going to be able to pull up, customize, save, and modify so that it's specific to your business. Obviously, this won't be an in-depth Microsoft Word tutorial, so we're not going to go through a bunch of details about customizing these because, again, it's pretty straightforward. You just click and change the text, add your company information, and your name and so forth. You can pretty much use these as needed. Obviously, there are template logos here. If you have a logo, you can insert it by coming up to the insert tab and clicking on the picture button. Put your own logo in there. If you don't have one, you can just delete it completely. On template number two, the logo is held in...