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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Are Form 8655 Applying

Instructions and Help about Are Form 8655 Applying

Yeah, so I mean obviously you know, I spend quite a bit of my time doing research and some of the rest of it doing teaching. But one of my other jobs is that we have various administrative jobs that we do around here. And one of the jobs that I do is I'm the undergraduate admissions tutor. This time of year, I get asked quite a lot of questions about applying to university, applying for physics at university, and the specifics of the kind of the UK process, which is the thing called UK, which is the centralized system that people apply through. People just want to know, you know, what are we looking for on the admission side, what should they be writing in their applications. So I thought it might be interesting to make a video just to kind of give some general advice as to what you should be putting down on these application forms. So I got in touch with this organization called UKS, which processes these things all the UK applications for university, and got their permission to actually show you what I receive from them. Because it's always good when you're going through this process, you're applying to university, essentially you're trying to convince a university to give you a place, right? So it's good to kind of put yourself in the position of the person who's making that decision and say, well, you know, what is he or she looking for? What information do they have? So I've got UKS' permission to show you the form that they actually send to me after you've applied. And so I can show you what it is that I look at and what might, you know, wow, I come about making the decisions about whether...